

Open Cloud Software

Open Cloud is

  • an open source software
  • letting you intereact with your trusted partners
  • over a secure plateform.

It helps you to share

  • data
  • compute
  • storage
  • and algorithmic services.


  • One API for all your processing and data needs
  • One accounting system wherever you process
  • Build your own private datacenter in a few clicks
  • Share, rent, sell data and resources you wish, only to the partners you wish
  • Security, privacy and full control over your data location
  • Full open source customizable environment
  • Complete documentation, online tools and suite

Getting started

  1. In order to install OneCloud all you need is to :

With these three simple steps you have installed the OneCloud solution in your cluster. To access the administration website you should launch the command line :

  • kubectl get all | grep LoadBalancer

  • the result :

      [service/irtsb-traefik                              LoadBalancer   XX.24.14.172   XX.132.59.174   4001....]

Where the first IP Adress is the internal IP, and the second is the external IP letting you to access your website.

In your internet browser, access to : XX.132.59.174/admin

it would let you configure OpenCloud solution.

  1. create your identity : Your identity would let other partners to know your existence letting them to interact with you. Without an identity you wont be able to connect to other partners inside your network.

    In your administration interface, click on Networks. Inside ‘Identity’ panel, click on ‘Create the identity’. Choose public network. Put a name, put the IP adresse inside ULR and choose one of five ports.

    image info Click on ‘create’. Your identity is saved.

    image info

  2. create your network In order to communicate with other partners you need to create a network or join an existing network. There are two types of networks :

    • private : You can create your own private network. You can then gave your identity to others letting them to join your network. You can also join private networks of your partners by putting in their private key.

    In order to create your network :

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Once your network created, if its a private network and want to share it with others letting them to join your network, you can share this key for them.

image info

Once you have created your identity and your network (or joined the default network), all the instances available on the network would show off on the peers screen :

image info

Functional documentation

Once you have configured your cluster via the admin interface, now you can use the standard interface letting you configure and launch your workflows.

Dashboard You can acceed to the following interface. In your internet browser, access to : XX.132.59.174

You can now see your standard interface.

image info

Resources On the left menu, click on Resources link. You can see the Catalog and Favorites panels.

image info

In you have been linked to partner clusters during the network creation process, you should be able to see your partner cluster’s resources.

You can add the needed resources for your workflow process creation by clicking on the button : ‘ADD FAVORITE’ on the resource segment.

Add as many as resources you need to construct your workflow.

In my example, I will add four resources :

  • Sentinel Image Provider
  • Compute provider
  • a storage provider (MINIO Push to S3)
  • image conversion algorithm process provider(GDAL Convert Image)

image info In my next screenshot I can see that as I have added the resources inside Resources screen, I can see these resources available for me. Now I can put them inside a workflow and would be able to execute the workflow.

In the Dashboard screen, in the WORKFLOWS panel, you can create your first workflow by clicking on the NEW WORKFLOW button on upper right corner.

image info

You can can edit the workflow by clicking on the ‘pencil’ button at the end of the workflow name that has been created.

On the EDIT panel, you can drag your resources from the left RESOURCE PICKING space into your workflow creation space.

You can connect the resources one to each other based on your workflow’s logic.

image info

Once your workflow defined, you can use the EXECUTE tab in order to plan the execution of your workflow.

image info

Do not forget tu put the right parameters for your resources inside the workflow execution interface. In our case its a date boudry during which stelite images would be choosen for the treatement.

You can see the workflow execution inside the EXECUTIONS tab :

image info


On the left menu panel, you can click on the KUBECOST link in order to see the consumption costs of your cluster.

image info

With its details :

image info

Once the workflow has terminated, you can check out inside the storage provider in order to get the results of your worflow exection.

image info

Provider configuration

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Use TLS to communicate with the application

By default, the application is reachable using the HTTP protocol, with no additional security. A layer of security can be added. This insure, for example, that the Admiralty token are not sniffed on the network while sent from a compute provider to another. In order to add TLS, you need a domain name. From that point there are two options:

  • Use a static traefik public IP
  • Use the public IP selected during the installation process.

Use a dynamic traefic IP

If you want to use a dynamic IP, you first have to install the application.

git clone https://gitlab.com/o-cloud/helm-charts.git
cd helm-charts
sh install.sh

When the installation is done, get the public IP (EXTERNAL-IP in the command below)

kubectl get services -n traefik-v2
NAME      TYPE           CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)                                                                                                                AGE
traefik   LoadBalancer   XX.XX.186.229   4001:32259/TCP,4002:31877/TCP,4003:31938/TCP,4004:31558/TCP,4005:30214/TCP,9001:31414/TCP,80:31389/TCP,443:30644/TCP   103m

The EXTERNAL-IP, here, is XX.XX.186.229. Set the domain or subdomain you want to use to point to that IP. You might want to choose one subdomain for the dashboard and one for the admin You can create a new entry in the zone dns of your domain provider. Create an A record that points toward the subdomain you chose. Once the dns record is ready, set the TLS part of the tls.values.yaml file. Set the following variables:

  # If defined, let's encrypt will be used to generate valid certificates using HTTP01 challenge
      # Email needed to get notification about TLS certificate expiration. But, not used, thanks to cert manager who renew the cert.
    email: "myemail@workplace.com"

  # The "main" certificate will be used to all the exposed microservices (except admin)
      - "www.mysudomain.mydomain.com"

  # The "admin" certificate will be used to the admin microservice
      - "www.myadminsubdomain.mydomain.com"

Once this is done, you can upgrade the helm release, using the tls.values.yaml file to override the values.yaml variables

helm upgrade irstb -f tls.values.yaml

Check if the TLS cerficates are set properly

kubectl get certificates
NAME               READY   SECRET            AGE
irtsb-admin-cert   True    irtsb-admin-tls   157m
irtsb-main-cert    True    irtsb-main-tls    157m

Check if the Let’s encrypt challenge has failed.

kubectl logs deployment.apps/cert-manager -n cert-manager

Use a static traefic IP

You can choose to use a static public IP for traefik. In that case, you have to set the static IP you want to use in the kubernetes engine provider you use. Then, create two subdomains (one for the host and one for the admin panel) that point toward that IP. Set in the tsl.values.yaml file the subdomains for the host and the admin:

  # If defined, let's encrypt will be used to generate valid certificates using HTTP01 challenge
      # Email needed to get notification about TLS certificate expiration. But, not used, thanks to cert manager who renew the cert.
    email: "myemail@workplace.com"

  # The "main" certificate will be used to all the exposed microservices (except admin)
      - "www.mysudomain.mydomain.com"

  # The "admin" certificate will be used to the admin microservice
      - "www.myadminsubdomain.mydomain.com"

You can then install the application overriding the default values in the values.yaml file:

helm install irtsb . -f tls.values.yam

Without let’s encrypt

You can decide to use TLS but not use let’s encrypt. In this case, you have to set the host and admin domain in the tls.values.yaml:

  # The "main" certificate will be used to all the exposed microservices (except admin)
      - "www.mysudomain.mydomain.com"

  # The "admin" certificate will be used to the admin microservice
      - "www.myadminsubdomain.mydomain.com"

and leave commented the let’s encrypt part.

  # If defined, let's encrypt will be used to generate valid certificates using HTTP01 challenge
  #  letsEncrypt:
      # Email needed to get notification about TLS certificate expiration. But, not used, thanks to cert manager who renew the cert.
      #  email: "myemail@workplace.com"

Furthermore, you have to add the domains in the /etc/hosts/ file for the domains to be reachable:

$ cat /etc/hosts

# Host Database
# localhost is used to configure the loopback interface
# when the system is booting.  Do not change this entry.
##	localhost
XX.XX.XX.XX mysubdomain.mydomain.com

NOTE that the domains you will be using won’t have a valid certificate. There are potential risks doing that. Furthermore, the compute provider (and probably other microservices) won’t be able to reach some endpoints due to the validity of the certificate. You can however bypass that behavior by acceting unvalid certificates. That is beyond the scope of this installation guide.

First steps

Guide for developer

SB Architecture

OpenCloud microservice architecture Big Picture Microservices kinds Microservices are organized into 3 groups: Core (Handle the mandatory microservices) Workflow (Handle the execution of the workflow on multiple clusters) Resource sharing (Handle resources shared like Data, Compute or Process) Core microservices Core microservices are mandatory. They handle: Networks & peers discovery (by allowing the cluster to be connected with others through IPFS) Database (MongoDb instance for microservices configuration) Basic interactions with frontends (user and admin frontend) Microservices deployments (For installing new providers or upgrading microservices) Security (Through Keycloak and macaroons) Observability (Resource consumption via Prometheus) Discovery (and Discovery-API) The “Discovery” microservice handle the IPFS networks, the cluster identity, and discovers peers.

Admin Frontend

Admin IHM content The project expose multiple page using an Angular SPA Dashboard This page expose a condensed view of different informations the cluster: Networks info (identity, peers etc) Billing and data costs Ressources It should be specific by users Networks This section contain two pages: Overview and Peers Overview contain high level info about your current identity and the networks you’ve joined Peers expose every peers that can be discovered accross all networks

Sentinel Provider

Master status: Develop status: Sentinel-Provider Ce provider met a disposition en tant que dataprovider les images de sentinel Functional overview Exposition de ces endpoint : Recherche du nombre d’image disponible Reservation des images Récupération de l’url où accèder a l’image Annonce dans le catalogue : S’annonce au catalogue en tant que provider publique Fournis une fiche descriptive pour affichage Fournis les informations nécéssaire a intégrations dans un workflow Technical overview Accès à mongodb Accès au service catalogue

Service Provider

Project Service Provider API Service provider allow client to manage cluster’s services. Services are automatically registered in catalog. Prerequisites helm skaffold kubectl You’ll need an active kubectl context to use this API in skaffold Usage Run skaffold run Option default-repo need to be added in skaffold command for specify container registry to used. Dev skaffold dev Test From the project root, run : go test .

Compute Provider

Compute provider Basic structure of the compute providers The goal of the compute providers is: Give to the catalog the list of ressources of the cluster Take care of configuring Admiralty and Argo on the required clusters Implement macaroons Compute provider endpoints Request Endpoint Action POST api/compute/macaroon Create a macaroon POST api/compute/macaroon/validation Validate a macaroon GET api/compute/macaroon Get a macaroon GET api/compute/token Request a token for Admiralty configuration POST api/compute/token Tell compute provider to retrieve token from distant compute provider GET api/compute/resources/delete/serviceaccount Delete ServiceAccount GET api/compute/resources/delete/namespace Delete Namespace Basic description of the compute provider.

Cluster Discovery

cluster-discovery cluster-discovery aims to provide a decentralized, peer to peer, kubernetes integrated system to discover of peer belonging to a given network. cluster-discovery relies on IPFS for the peer to peer implementation of the solution. cluster-discovery is implemented as a kubernetes controller, introducing 3 CRDs: SwarmPool Peer Identity A Swarmpool represents a technical resource, managing all the technical details of deploying and configuring an IPFS Node. An Identity gives informations about yourself on the network.

Generic Backend

Brings the information necessary for the front to work correctly. Functional overview Brings the information necessary for the front to work correctly. It has for Favorites end-point : get favorites insert a new favorite delete a favorite Technical overview should have a mongodb lounched on 27017 port : docker run -p 27017:27017 –name mongo-dev mongo:bionic to launch : – go run .


Open Cloud user front-end This project was generated with Angular CLI version 11.0.5. Overview This is the main front-end of the solution. It is used by every user. Another front-end exists from administrators. Development server To run a development server you will need a running kubernetes cluster with the rest of the Open Cloud solution installed on it. You can have your development instance requesting your cluster by modifying the environment.

Pipeline Orchestrator

Pipeline Orchestrator Overview The pipeline orchestrator is responsible for: parsing a workflow and generating an executable Argo Workflow contacting the data providers involved in the workflow contacting the compute provider in order to ensure that the local cluster is ready to run the workflow, and is connected to the remote clusters involved in the execution starting the execution of the Argo Workflow When a StartWorkflowRequest is received, the body of the request will first be translated into a graph model (see ToGraph).